Thursday, March 26, 2009


School will be different if everybody had blogs because everybody will express there self on there blogs the school will need computers cause in order to post things on your blogs you need a computer maybe the school will not need more books or more paper there will maybe be less talking the kids in the school will might not get bored cause they going to be using the computer I think school will mostly be use with computers. Schools will be pour because they going to have to spend more money on computer cause school don’t get computer for free even if the kids really need computers. I think school will be more quite because kids is going to be to busy on there computer on there blogs worrying about how they going to hook up there blogs. Maybe more students will come to school cause they going to be working with computers that’s how I think schools will be is students have blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good response. I would advise that you type your posts in Microsoft word before you post them, then you can use the spelling grammar check. If your posts are well written then more people are apt to read and maybe even listen to what you have to say. Teenagers could use the blogs to get their message out there to us "older folk" ;-)

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