Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ocean Life

This summery is going to be a bout the ocean life and pretty much people that explored the ocean life explores send a small submarines deep down into the ocean the submarines makes up to 200 drives a year taking scientists down 900 meters 3, ooo feet on board cameras record under water scenes while a robotic arm and samplers collect marine specimens. Researchers don’t have to get wet to explore the ocean. And submarines have become invaluable research vessels for scientists buoys anchored in place help explore the ocean by collecting hourly information on wind speed temperature and more

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

wild ocean

The movie wild ocean is going to be about animals deep down on the ocean.
And where they lived what they eat what they do. Going to talk about
What or how the ocean is wild. How deep can and animal go down in a
Ocean or how deep is the ocean. They going to talk about what animals get
Along and which fight. What type of animals eats other types of animal? Which
Is the best in the ocean and how they talk to each other and where in the world
Would you find these types of animals, and some of these animals we have never
Seen before. and it will talk what animals in the ocean carries eggs some animals
Like tourists swim away for the summer then they go back home when summer is

Friday, March 27, 2009


1) Inter core: The inter core is the solids layer

2) Outer core: the outer core is the liquid layer

3) The crust:
o Oceanic (very dense, made of basalt)
o Continental (less dense, made of granite

4) The mantle: It is the middle layer and it is a thick layer.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


School will be different if everybody had blogs because everybody will express there self on there blogs the school will need computers cause in order to post things on your blogs you need a computer maybe the school will not need more books or more paper there will maybe be less talking the kids in the school will might not get bored cause they going to be using the computer I think school will mostly be use with computers. Schools will be pour because they going to have to spend more money on computer cause school don’t get computer for free even if the kids really need computers. I think school will be more quite because kids is going to be to busy on there computer on there blogs worrying about how they going to hook up there blogs. Maybe more students will come to school cause they going to be working with computers that’s how I think schools will be is students have blogs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Welcome to my blog


Welcome to my blog